For the millions of people living with cellulite every day, covering up or feeling self-conscious is just a hard fact of life. However, Indian Hills Aesthetics believes everyone should feel comfortable in their skin. That’s why we’re dedicated to helping everyone say goodbye to cellulite in Tuscaloosa. Dive in to learn how our team can help you ditch those dimples!
What is cellulite?
Before we get into the fascinating science surrounding our treatment, it’s important to understand your cellulite. This is one of the most common skin conditions because everyone has a layer of fat just below the surface of their skin. In most areas of your body, fat production is regulated and limited by your natural processes. However, there are a few common causes of cellulite our patients typically experience.
Throughout your body, fibrous connective cords tether the skin to the underlying muscle, with the fat lying between. As fat builds up, the fat cells push up while the connective cords pull down. Excess fat buildup causes uneven surfaces or dimpling.
Your hormones also play a huge role in the development of cellulite. Genetics and hormones work together to determine skin structure, texture, and body type. Other factors, such as weight and muscle tone, affect whether you have cellulite. Fat is a necessary part of your body’s structure, so even with diet and exercise, anyone can have cellulite.
Say Hello to Sofwave
One of the most advanced skin rejuvenation techniques in the world comes home to Indian Hills Aesthetics. This cutting-edge treatment is useful for so many concerns, but our specialists are especially impressed with its effectiveness in treating cellulite in Tuscaloosa. Here’s why more and more Alabamans are saying hello to Sofwave.
The Science of Sofwave
Sofwave’s Synchronous Ultrasound Parallel Beam (SUPERB™) technology creates a fractional heating effect 1.5 mm in the mid-dermis to break up excess cells and prompt healthy cellular regeneration. This treatment uses ultrasound below the surface of your skin and promotes healthy, natural collagen growth. In less than an hour, just one treatment can improve a patient’s cellulite in Tuscaloosa!
Real Results
This highly effective treatment may seem like science fiction, but the results speak for themselves. Results typically take a few weeks to surface, but after 6 months, our patients enjoy life with less cellulite! Instead of smoothing skin with dermal fillers or surgical options, we treat cellulite in Tuscaloosa differently for lasting results. It only takes one or two treatments for maximum results, making it easier than ever to bid farewell to stubborn subcutaneous fat!
How to Say Goodbye
In some cases, saying goodbye isn’t easy. At Indian Hills Aesthetics, we make it simple. With one easy conversation, our patients can enjoy less cellulite and more confidence. Here’s how we help our patients clear their cellulite:
The Talk
Like any breakup, it all starts with a conversation. To make a clean break, our entire team promotes the highest-quality experience before, during, and after your treatment. We start every treatment with an in-person consultation to get to know you as a person and a patient.
In your one-on-one consultation, we’ll talk about your life, your goals, and your concerns. We’ll also take detailed before photos to track your progress throughout every treatment. After we decide that Sofwave is right for you, we’ll schedule your appointment and give you some pointers to prepare for maximum results.
The Treatment
On the day you say goodbye to your cellulite in Tuscaloosa, our front office administrator will check you in. Then, our patient care coordinator will escort you back to a comfortable treatment room and answer any last-minute questions you may have.
To begin your treatment, our team will apply a topical anesthetic and make sure you’re completely numb before starting. Throughout the procedure, you may feel a slight warming sensation as the heat from Sofwave breaks up fat cells. In under an hour, your treatment is complete, and you’re free to get back to your day!
Sayonara, Cellulite!
Saying goodbye to cellulite in Tuscaloosa is easier than ever at Indian Hills Aesthetics! To ditch the dimples for good, it just takes one conversation. Get the confident, beautiful skin you’ve been waiting for by using our procedure match tool or scheduling your appointment.