Breast Lift in Tuscaloosa

Reshape & Rejuvenate Your Breasts

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Create Your Ideal Contour

There are so many joyous parts that come with aging. But some of life’s biggest milestones, such as pregnancy, weight changes, childbirth, and more, can cause a woman’s breasts to appear saggy or droopy. The team at Indian Hills Aesthetics knows that each of our patients are beautiful regardless of their breast shape. However, if sagging breasts are affecting your confidence, a breast lift in Tuscaloosa may provide the youthful boost you’re looking for!

How it Works

What to Expect During a Breast Lift in Tuscaloosa

Patients will start their process by meeting with Dr. Wallace for an initial consultation to go over the specific needs and their desired outcome from cosmetic surgery. After marking the areas for treatment, we’ll place patients under general anesthesia and make an incision around the areola and often the lower portion of the breasts.

Through this incision, Dr. Wallace will lift and reshape the breasts and move the areolas into the correct position. Once we remove the excess skin, we’ll close the incision with sutures and provide patients with proper post-op instructions to follow.


What it treats:

A breast lift is a surgical procedure that helps re-shape and contour sagging or droopy breasts.

Procedure length:

A breast lift is a surgical procedure performed under general anesthesia, and usually lasts anywhere from 2 to 3 hours.

Recovery time:

Recovery times will vary by patient. However, the standard timeline for recovery generally falls between 1 to 3 weeks.

Doctors Tuscaloosa AL

Our Approach

Committing to an aesthetic treatment is an important decision, and the team Indian Hills Aesthetics believes in respecting that decision. Our plastic surgery center in Tuscaloosa does this by delivering compassionate care, comprehensive treatment education, and exceptional results for all patients.

Pricing at Indian Hills Aesthetics

The cost of a breast lift in Tuscaloosa shouldn’t be a mystery. Transparency matters, and we believe patients should know beforehand how certain procedures will impact them financially.

Achieve Your Aesthetic Goals

Take the first step and schedule an appointment at Indian Hills Aesthetics in Tuscaloosa—or try our procedure match tool to find a treatment that fits your needs!

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See the Results of Breast Lift in Tuscaloosa!

Get a glimpse of how our treatments can help you.

Schedule A Consultation


What Happens In a Consultation?

01. Get to know Dr. Wallace and her team.
02. Help them understand you and your goals.
03. Learn about our treatments and specialties.

"10/10 experience! The staff at Indian Hills Aesthetics are all so welcoming and make you feel comfortable and beautiful throughout your entire appointment"

- C.S.

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