Your Comprehensive Guide to Mastopexy in Tuscaloosa

Indian Hills Aesthetics Surgical 8804

As women, we always knew the day of having droopier breasts would come. Still, there’s nothing that can quite prepare us for that day. And even though we believe that all breasts are beautiful at Indian Hills Aesthetics, we’re all too familiar with being our own harshest critics. 

Even though gravity and aging came knocking at your door, you don’t have to let them stay long. One surefire way to bring back your youthful breast shape and lock the door on gravity and aging is with mastopexy in Tuscaloosa. 

(Mastopexy is the technical term for a breast lift). 

What is a breast lift?

A breast lift is a surgical procedure that reshapes, lifts, and contours sagging or drooping breasts. We are often performing breast lifts for women who have had children, gained or lost a significant amount of weight, or are older and are wanting back their younger shape and position. This procedure has helped build confidence for so many women.  

Am I a candidate for a breast lift?

At our Tuscaloosa plastic surgery practice, we see women with breasts of all different shapes and sizes—there’s no one “ideal type” in our eyes. However, if you’re struggling with self-consciousness as a result of your drooping or sagging breasts, we want to help! You’re not stuck with that feeling. 

We can perform a breast lift if you:

  • Aren’t happy with your sagging or drooping breasts
  • Want to improve the appearance of your breasts without implants
  • Do not smoke or vape
  • Don’t plan to breastfeed (as a breast lift may decrease your ability to breastfeed)

Who is not a candidate?

There aren’t a whole lot of people we won’t help when it comes to mastopexy. If you smoke or vape, though, we won’t be able to treat you. These activities interrupt your body’s natural healing processes and therefore interfere with and lessen your procedure results. 

We also make sure our patients know that mastopexy in Tuscaloosa won’t make your breasts bigger. If that’s what you’re looking for, that would be breast augmentation. These two procedures can be performed in the same appointment—more on that later!

How does the procedure work?

After we’ve met with you for a consultation and decided together on a treatment plan, you’ll arrive for your scheduled procedure. Dr. Wallace will go over procedure expectations and aftercare instructions with you once again and answer all of your questions. She will then mark your areas for treatment and place you under general anesthesia. 

Once you’re asleep, Dr. Wallace will make small incisions around both your areolae and the lower portion of your breasts. She’ll meticulously remove excess skin, reduce the size of your areolae, contour your breast shape, and reposition your nipples. 

Surgeons' Gloved Hands Passing Surgery Tools Back and Forth

How long is the procedure?

A mastopexy in Tuscaloosa at Indian Hills Aesthetics takes an average of 2 hours. 

Recovery details

We will give you all of your recovery instructions before your procedure—you won’t have to remember it all. We tell our patients to take off work for 1 to 2 weeks, and we also restrict certain activities.

Refrain from: heavy cardio for 6 weeks, moderate weight lifting for 3 weeks, and submerging yourself in water for 3 weeks. 

For support, wear a sports bra for 6 weeks post-surgery; you can resume wearing underwire bras after 6 weeks.

During recovery, you will likely experience moderate pain and swelling near the incisions. Cool compresses, over-the-counter pain medications, and a comfort show on Netflix will be your best friends!

Results timeline

It’ll take 6 to 12 weeks for your breasts to fully recover and take their newfound shape. 

What causes saggy breasts?

There are quite a few factors at play causing your breasts to appear saggy. The common reasons include: aging, weight fluctuation, smoking, and childbirth


As we get older, our breast tissue ligaments break down, causing skin to lose elasticity. The tissue and fat that was holding up your breasts decreases, resulting in droopiness. 

Tissues and ligaments break down everywhere in our bodies, and collagen production slows and eventually comes to a halt in our thirties. These processes reduce elasticity—the skin’s ability to “bounce back” or return to its prior shape—in multiple areas of your body.

As another example, your facial tissue and structure breaks down as you age, letting elasticity slip away. This causes sagging, loose skin, and a sinking look. The only true, long-term way to correct this lost facial volume is with a facelift

Weight fluctuation  

If you go up and down in weight, or you’ve lost or gained a significant amount of weight, you’ll likely experience more sagginess and loose skin in your breasts. This is due to your ligaments and tissue stretching and changing shape. If you lost a lot of weight, you may be noticing loose excess skin where there were once fat cells. 


Smoking cigarettes causes elastin and collagen (vital proteins in your body) to break down, which speeds up aging. Smoking negatively affects your entire body by removing these essential proteins that keep you youthful and healthy—both inwardly and outwardly. 

We do not accept candidates who are active smokers for any surgical procedures, including mastopexy, in Tuscaloosa


While you’re pregnant, there is a lot of stretching and other processes happening in your body. Your breasts (and abdomen) specifically take the hit. Sometimes, if your body produces enough collagen and elastin, they will bounce back to how they were, but other times the skin remains stretched. This stretched skin is now excess skin, creating a sagging and droopy appearance. 

Is a breast lift my only solution?

Whether a breast lift or another treatment is your best option depends on what your goals are and how severe you feel like your concern is. A simple Google search will show you there are a variety of ways to tighten your skin and muscles; we of course always endorse eating healthy and exercising. But, if your breasts have excess skin and are droopy, there are no topical creams or exercises that can defy the laws of gravity. 

If your concern is a textural one, there might be a cream out there, but the only way you can truly get the lifted result is through cosmetic surgery.  

Related: If You’re Searching for Boob Tightening in Tuscaloosa, a Breast Lift is Your Answer

Should I get a breast augmentation or a breast lift?

Both of these procedures can be life-changing confidence-boosters. Candidates for these two procedures are of course different, but they can also overlap! 

Breast lift

A breast lift’s sole purpose is lifting and contouring droopy breasts; your breast size does not change a whole lot with this procedure. You lose a little bit of your size just because we’re removing excess tissue. So, if you’re looking to correct symmetry with significantly fuller breasts, you’re looking for a breast augmentation

Breast augmentation 

Breast augmentation enhances the shape and enlarges the size of your breasts—it’s the process of getting breast implants. If you want to change the shape or size of your breasts, restore lost volume, or correct asymmetry, breast augmentation is the best option. 

Breast implants come in all shapes and sizes and can either be made of silicone or saline. You’re welcome to come in and look at and feel our options as many times as you’d like before your procedure! We want to make sure you’re getting exactly what you want. 

Dr. Wallace Showing a Female Patient the Different Types of Breast Implant Options


Silicone implants are pre-filled with a thick silicone gel that feels similar to natural breast tissue. To receive silicone implants, we require patients to be at least 22 years old. 


Saline implants are made of a small sack designed to take the natural shape of a breast. Once Dr. Wallace inserts the implant, she will manually fill the sack with saline until she reaches your desired volume. You have to be at least 18 years old to get saline implants. 

Why not both?

If you’re looking for both a lift and enhancement in size, these options work harmoniously together. Just keep in mind that a breast augmentation will not improve the position of a low, saggy nipple alone, and a breast lift will not enhance the size of your breasts. Both of these together, though, are a dream duo. 

Complementary treatments

When you’re searching for ways to enhance your breasts and build your confidence, it’s important to know that oftentimes combining treatments is what produces the best results. We covered how a breast augmentation can be combined with mastopexy in Tuscaloosa; now, let’s dive into some others.  

Tummy tuck

Many women struggle with the appearance of their abdomen in addition to their breasts, especially after childbirth. A tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) is a cosmetic procedure that removes extra skin and loose pockets of fat from the abdomen. A tummy tuck and a breast lift can be done together for a fully contoured body


Liposuction is a surgical fat reduction procedure that also removes small pockets of fat in the abdomen, helping to further frame the breasts. Plus, it can also target pockets of fat in the thighs, hips, arms, buttocks, and neck. 

Mommy makeover

A mommy makeover is a combination of cosmetic procedures that can treat areas affected by pregnancy. A mommy makeover is customizable and can include any of the following based on your goals: 

Rediscover your confidence with mastopexy in Tuscaloosa

Investing in your self-confidence is a personal decision that looks different for everyone. Being in the hands of a women-owned professional practice that understands your struggles is essential to this investment.

Phase 1: Get in touch

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A consultation with us is the first step in which we get to know you. Just because you meet with us for a consultation doesn’t mean you’re obligated to receive care! Let’s just have a conversation. 

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What Happens In a Consultation?

01. Get to know Dr. Wallace and her team.
02. Help them understand you and your goals.
03. Learn about our treatments and specialties.

"10/10 experience! The staff at Indian Hills Aesthetics are all so welcoming and make you feel comfortable and beautiful throughout your entire appointment"

- C.S.

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