15 Answers to 15 Commonly Asked Questions About a Breast Lift in Northport

Indian Hills Aesthetics Breast Lift Reduction 6687

If you have a ton of questions about a breast lift in Northport, why scour the internet for a bunch of answers in a bunch of different places? Stay awhile; we’ve got your answers all right here.

At Indian Hills Aesthetics, our very own board-certified cosmetic surgeon Dr. Chelsea Wallace treats a variety of different patients for breast lifts. We value sharing knowledge with women to help them make decisions for their health and confidence—whether they’re our patients or not! 

What is a breast lift?

A breast lift (also called a mastopexy) is a surgical procedure that lifts, contours, and reshapes sagging or drooping breasts of all shapes and sizes. 

During this procedure, a cosmetic surgeon removes excess skin, reduces the size of the areola, and repositions the nipple to achieve uplifted, perky breasts and nipples. 

Am I a candidate?

You’re a candidate for a breast lift if you:

  • Want to uplift sagging or drooping breasts
  • Would like to improve the appearance of your breasts without implants
  • Do not smoke or vape
  • Don’t plan to breastfeed (as a breast lift may decrease your ability to breastfeed)

Related: Your Comprehensive Guide to Mastopexy in Tuscaloosa

Commonly Asked Questions About a Breast Lift in Northport

1. How much does a breast lift in Northport cost?

A breast lift starts at $6895, but varies by a patient’s unique anatomy and goals. 

2. What happens during a breast lift?

Once you arrive for your procedure, we’ll go over procedure expectations, aftercare instructions, and answer any of your questions. Then, Dr. Wallace will mark your areas for treatment before you are placed under general anesthesia. 

Once you’re fast asleep, Dr. Wallace will make small incisions around your areolae and the lower portion of your breasts. From here, she’ll remove excess skin, reduce the size of your areolae, and reposition your nipples. 

3. Does the procedure hurt? 

No, the procedure itself won’t hurt since you’ll be under anesthesia. Afterward, you’ll experience pain and soreness near the incisions for a week or two. The pain is tolerable and is nothing that over-the-counter pain meds, a short course of prescription medication, and cool compresses can’t help!

4. Can I breastfeed after getting a breast lift?

In most cases, yes; however, some women have experienced a decrease in the ability to breastfeed effectively. The incisions could affect your nerves and ducts, making breastfeeding more challenging than before your breast lift. 

5. Does a breast lift make your breasts bigger?

No, a breast lift doesn’t make your breasts bigger. A breast augmentation does, however, which you can get at the same time as a breast lift!

6. How long will I have to take off work?

We tell our patients to take off work for 1 to 2 weeks.

7. Who can’t get a breast lift?

You aren’t a candidate for a breast lift if you smoke or vape, as these activities interrupt healing.  

8. Can I get a breast lift and augmentation at the same time?

Yes—many women do!

9. How long does a breast lift take?

At Indian Hills Aesthetics in Northport, a breast lift takes an average of 2 hours.

10. What should I do or not do after a breast lift?


  • Take off work for 1 to 2 weeks
  • Wear a sports bra for 6 weeks after surgery
  • Resume wearing underwire bras after 6 weeks
  • Resume light weight lifting after 3 weeks


  • Shower in the first 48 hours post-surgery
  • Swim, bathe, or otherwise submerge yourself in water for 3 weeks
  • Exercise (aggressive cardio) for 6 weeks

11. Will the sensation in my nipples change?

Potentially. A small percentage of women have decreased sensation in their nipples after a breast lift. 

12. If I get a breast lift now, can I get a breast augmentation later?


13. Will I have follow-up appointments?

Yes, a series of them. We’ll see you 1 week post-op to check on your healing progress, and then periodically for the first 6 months after your surgery. 

14. Will I have scars?

Yes. There will be scarring around the areola and lower portion of the breast, but it won’t be visible in a swimsuit or bra. We do offer silicone therapy and Silagen treatments that you can take home with you if you’re interested in scar reduction. 

15. How long does it take to fully recover from a breast lift?

6 to 12 weeks. 

Schedule a Consultation 

We can put gravity on hold for at least a decade with a breast lift in Northport. The first step is a consultation with Dr. Wallace! She’ll provide more information on the procedure, ask you about your goals, and examine your concern areas. And of course, she’ll answer any questions you couldn’t find on this blog. 

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Schedule A Consultation


What Happens In a Consultation?

01. Get to know Dr. Wallace and her team.
02. Help them understand you and your goals.
03. Learn about our treatments and specialties.

"10/10 experience! The staff at Indian Hills Aesthetics are all so welcoming and make you feel comfortable and beautiful throughout your entire appointment"

- C.S.

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