Answering Your Questions About Body Sculpting in Tuscaloosa

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How we feel about our bodies has continued to matter to us and have a hand in our well-being time and time again. After all, we want to feel healthy and comfortable in our skin! 

Whether you’ve been left with extra skin after having lost a significant amount of weight or you’ve accumulated stubborn fat in some areas in your body, your mission is similar––to learn more about your options for body sculpting in Tuscaloosa. 

At Indian Hills Aesthetics, Dr. Wallace and our team are here to provide you with answers to all your questions and the resources to take the leap in seeking treatment! 

What is body sculpting?

The term “body sculpting”––also called body contouring––describes the wide array of treatments available to reduce fat, excess skin, and otherwise sculpt, contour, and shape your body. 

There are both surgical and non-surgical methods of body contouring, but as a premier Tuscaloosa cosmetic surgeon, our expertise is honed in on the surgical side! Surgery is the fastest and most effective method in helping patients achieve their dream bodies. We perform loose skin surgery (excisional surgery), liposuction, or a combination to meet patients’ contouring goals. 

Commonly asked questions: body sculpting

What areas can body sculpting treat?

Body sculpting treats:

  • Arms
  • Breasts
  • Lower abdomen (abdominoplasty)
  • Thighs
  • Buttocks
  • Upper body (back lift)
  • Neck 

How do I know if I’m a candidate? 

You are a likely a candidate for any body contouring procedure in Tuscaloosa if you: 

  • Have areas of stubborn fat and/or loose, sagging skin 
  • Aren’t looking for a weight loss/fat loss procedure
  • Are in good health
  • Have maintained a consistent weight for at least 6 months
  • Do not smoke

However, the only way to know for sure whether or not you’re a candidate is by meeting us for a consultation. Through learning about your concerns, goals, and examining your concern areas, we will be able to make treatment recommendations.

Will body sculpting in Tuscaloosa help me lose weight?

Excess skin and fat removal will inevitably reduce your weight a little, but body sculpting is not a weight loss procedure; it’s a fat and skin removal procedure

How long is the procedure?

Your body sculpting procedure can last anywhere between 2 and 5 hours depending on how much fat and skin we need to remove. 

How much does body sculpting cost?

Body sculpting in Tuscaloosa can cost anywhere from $6,895 to $8,255. We can determine your exact costs once we examine your treatment areas.  

At Indian Hills Aesthetics, we believe in being transparent with our patients about everything, including pricing. So, we make it a priority to provide pricing estimates to anyone who wants it.

Get a surgery price estimate

How long is recovery time?

Your recovery period will vary on the size and number of areas being treated, but you should prepare to take 1 to 2 weeks off work and activities to heal.   

Does body sculpting hurt?

Due to the anesthetic component of body sculpting surgery, the procedure itself won’t hurt. However, you will likely experience pain, discomfort, and swelling for the first week or two after, with the degree of discomfort varying by treatment area(s).  

We prescribe pain meds, recommend elevation techniques, and advise using a cool compress to offset discomfort.  

Will I have scars?

Yes. Sadly, surgical scars are unavoidable, but there are a couple ways we handle scarring:

  1. Dr. Wallace makes incisions in places that can easily be hidden and concealed by clothing. 
  2. We offer scar gel and Silagen therapy for scar reduction for patients interested. 

How long do body sculpting results last?

Body sculpting is considered to yield permanent results! The exception to this is of course gaining weight and aging, as both of these can lead to loose, sagging skin. 

Ready to take the leap?

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What Happens In a Consultation?

01. Get to know Dr. Wallace and her team.
02. Help them understand you and your goals.
03. Learn about our treatments and specialties.

"10/10 experience! The staff at Indian Hills Aesthetics are all so welcoming and make you feel comfortable and beautiful throughout your entire appointment"

- C.S.

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